Friday, February 8, 2013

Ai Wei Wei By Charlie Co

Secret Fresh once again collaborates with artist Charlie Co to present Ai Wei Wei - A follow-up to Chinaman, his successfully released first art toy produced by Secret Fresh.
The bust was launched yesterday at the Art Fair Philippines 2013.

 Ai Wei Wei Bust By Charlie Co x Secret fresh


 Ai Weiwei is a Chinese contemporary artist known for his political activitism. He has openly criticized the Chinese government and  its stance for human rights and has been apprehended and jailed in Beijing.

Charlie sees Ai Weiwei as icon for his radical thinking. In his painting, he depicts the Chinese artist as a brave and courageous individual. Ai Weiwei's hair is as fiery as his ideas. His bright red beard is like the fire that comes out of a Dragon's mouth.  His eyes are like white pearls against a black background, Charlie's interpretation that Ai Weiwei's views are only either black or white, and no grey areas.

Limited to 30 with 5 unique editions hand painted by the artist.

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